When installing NetBox on Debian 9 and Apache, the instructions in http://netbox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ are fine, just some small additional operations are needed. The libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 package needs to be installed as well, otherwise you will get errors about the “WSGIPassAuthorization on” command when starting Apache [this has later been addressed in commit b917e8d] Disable the “000-default” site […]
TLS Certificates in Debian and Apache
Adding TLS configurations in Apache: cat > /etc/ssl/private/myserver.key chmod 0640 /etc/ssl/private/myserver.key chgrp ssl-cert /etc/ssl/private/myserver.key cat > /etc/ssl/certs/myserver.crt cd /etc/apache2/sites-available cp default-ssl.conf myserver-ssl.conf vi myserver-ssl.conf – add ServerName if needed – RedirectMatch ^/$ https://myserver.mydomain.com/appname (if needed) – edit SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile a2ensite myserver-ssl a2enmod ssl vi 000-default.conf – add ServerName if needed – Redirect / https://myserver.mydomain.com/ […]
Visual Studio Code Customizations
My customizations in Visual Studio Code: Cygwin in Integrated Terminal { // start bash, not the mintty, or you’ll get a new window “terminal.integrated.shell.windows”: “C:\\cygwin64\\bin\\bash.exe”, // Use this to keep bash from doing a ‘cd ${HOME}’ “terminal.integrated.env.windows”: { “CHERE_INVOKING”: “1” }, // Make it a login shell “terminal.integrated.shellArgs.windows”: [ “-l” ] } (source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46061894/vs-code-cygwin-as-integrated-terminal) Quick […]
Zabbix Components and Ports
Zabbix monitoring system consists of components that communicate with each other. Here is a summary of the TCP ports and some configuration characteristics of various connections. Active agent: The Zabbix agent periodically asks the Zabbix proxy (or Zabbix server, if configured to use the server directly) for the list of items that should be collected, […]
Wireshark and 802.11 Data in Capture Files
Once again I was asked to get involved when a customer had problems with an application. I won’t go into application or problem details here but the process eventually involved capturing traffic on a customer laptop to see what was actually happening. The consultant doing the capture was not using Wireshark as I would have […]
Installing AWS CLI on Cygwin
To get AWS CLI working in Cygwin: Install “python2-pip” with the Cygwin installer (and accept whatever dependencies it brings) Run “pip2 install awscli“ See what you have: “aws –version“, and continue with the usual “aws configure” procedure. Using AWS CLI is not very fast in this setup however. For example, showing specific Virtual Private Gateway […]
How to Fix GoToMeeting or Skype for Business on Second Monitor
[Update on 2018-08-31: The instructions below are probably not useful anymore after several Windows 10 or other software updates. Things look much better nowadays, even though many software still have problems with differing font scaling factors. I still feel sorry for the many developers out there who apparently don’t have sufficient possibilities to test software […]
Junos Default Applications
From Junos 12.1X47-D25.4 on SRX240H2: markku@srx> show configuration groups junos-defaults applications # # File Transfer Protocol # application junos-ftp { application-protocol ftp; protocol tcp; destination-port 21; } # # Trivial File Transfer Protocol # application junos-tftp { application-protocol tftp; protocol udp; destination-port 69; } # # Real Time Streaming Protocol # application junos-rtsp { application-protocol […]
Enabling Python Syntax Coloring and Indenting in Vim
Put these in your .vimrc to enable for example Python syntax coloring and indenting in Vim: syntax on filetype indent plugin on
Sending Twitter DMs in Zabbix Actions
When configuring actions in Zabbix for example for problem alerts, there is a built-in method for sending email notifications. Here are the instructions for sending alerts as Twitter direct messages. These instructions are based on a Debian 8 Jessie installation where Zabbix has been installed from the packages in the Zabbix repository. You maybe want […]