Tag: pynetbox

More Mocking with Pytest

In my Basic Mocking with Pytest post I showed simple cases. Now let’s do more mocking. First I’ll create the environment for my code: $ mkdir more-mocking$ cd more-mocking$ python3 -m venv venv$ . venv/bin/activate(venv)$ pip install -U pip wheel…Successfully installed pip-24.0 wheel-0.43.0(venv)$ pip install pynetbox pytest…Successfully installed certifi-2024.2.2 charset-normalizer-3.3.2 idna-3.7 iniconfig-2.0.0 packaging-23.2 pluggy-1.5.0 pynetbox-7.3.3 […]

Selecting Pynetbox Version

If you have: And you need: Then you need to use: Because: NetBox 3.7.0 or newer VPNs pynetbox 7.3.3 or newer vpn app was added in pynetbox NetBox 3.5.0 or newer ASN ranges pynetbox 7.1.0 or newer asn_ranges.available_asns was added in pynetbox NetBox 3.3.0 or newer Cable terminations pynetbox 7.0.0 or newer Cable terminations were […]

Hints for Pynetbox

Note: I don’t yet have extensive experience on NetBox 2.9.x but these have been shown useful in earlier NetBox versions. I’ll update the page later if I find some further comments about the performance in NetBox 2.9.x. Speeding up fetching the devices Fetching lots of devices (hundreds or thousands, depending on the environment) with netbox.dcim.devices.all() […]

Using Pynetbox

Pynetbox is a Python API client library for NetBox. Here are some basic examples of using pynetbox. In this page: Getting started Creating and changing something Retrieving objects Deleting objects Handling object status Using tags Referring to other objects Here we assume that you already have NetBox running (I have NetBox 2.8.6 in this demo), […]