I have been using VDR – the Video Disk Recorder – on my own Linux host for over 20 years. It has been the primary way of consuming broadcast TV content in our household since 2004. Until now my VDR setup has only been capable of using DVB-C channels in SD, due to the non-HD-capable […]
Tag: debian
24-hour Timestamps for Zabbix 7
The default language in the Zabbix user interface (UI) installation is “en_US”, meaning English (US). Probably because of the European roots of Zabbix, the timestamps have still been shown in 24-hour (world-standard) format, up until Zabbix version 6.4. Now in Zabbix 7.0 the default time display format has been changed to correspond to the selected […]
PostgreSQL Upgrades on Debian Linux
When doing a major version upgrade on Debian Linux with PostgreSQL server installed (using Debian-provided packages), this always catches me: After the upgrade there will be two different PostgreSQL instances running, it won’t do an in-place upgrade for the database automatically. In order to get the existing database running on the newer PostgreSQL version, this […]
Manpages for systemd
Because I seem to frequently search for these manpages: systemd versions in Debian Linux:
Tools for Debian Packages
Debian has been my primary Linux distribution of choice since 2003. That’s twenty years! How time flies! I haven’t ever worked as full-time server administrator but running and operating various kinds of systems have always been part of my skills, and it has made it possible for me to leverage wide range of tooling required […]
Python Versions
Even though I’ve used Python programming language on-and-off since about year 2000, I only started paying more attention to specific Python versions around 2016 when I gradually started using Python more seriously in devops. When dealing with different runtime environments it is crucial to know which features are available in which Python versions. This page […]
Moving Zabbix Database
In the series “why wouldn’t I put this out public instead of just saving it to my own notes”: Moving the Zabbix database to a new database server. Step 1: Dumping the current database # mysqldump –single-transaction zabbix | gzip > /mnt/zbx-dump.sql.gz No need to stop Zabbix for this. Add –user and –host and similar […]
High Availability Clustering with Zabbix on Debian
Later in this document: Setting up the database servers Setting up the Zabbix servers Setting up the frontend (web) servers Edmunds Vesmanis had a presentation in Zabbix Summit 2019 about Zabbix HA setups (video in Youtube), and he also wrote a post in Zabbix blog titled High Availability cluster building with Zabbix for continued service: […]
Get Linux Distribution Name and Version with Python
Since Debian 10 Buster there is no minor version number in lsb_release output or /etc/os-release anymore. Bug has been filed, but apparently there is no will to get the full version number back. The dist() and linux_distribution() functions in the platform module in Python have been deprecated in 3.5 and removed in 3.8.0: Also, the […]
Installing VMware Tools on Debian Linux
[Updated on 1-Apr-2017: For a long time now I haven’t bothered with installing VMware Tools manually anymore. Instead I’ve just used the open-vm-tools package included in Debian, so a plain “apt-get install open-vm-tools” does the job. I’ve understood that some features are missing when compared to the original VMware Tools, so be sure to check […]