[Updated on 1-Apr-2017: For a long time now I haven’t bothered with installing VMware Tools manually anymore. Instead I’ve just used the open-vm-tools package included in Debian, so a plain “apt-get install open-vm-tools” does the job. I’ve understood that some features are missing when compared to the original VMware Tools, so be sure to check […]
Cat6500 FEX, or Smart Install?
I was surprised when I got a broschure in Cisco Live London 2013 that said Catalyst 6500 is supposed to support FEXes (Fabric Extenders) in the future. Does it make sense? A FEX is a device that looks like a data center LAN switch but it is not designated as a switch. FEX needs a […]
Building My Own VMware vSphere Hypervisor Host
As I wrote in my previous post, I’m building my own VMware vSphere Hypervisor (a.k.a. ESXi) host. Today I was able to get the first Debian server running on it! Let me go through the platform install for us. Planning the Hardware I was totally not planning to get a rackmount server or even a […]
Installing VMware vSphere Hypervisor 5.x on a USB Stick
I’m planning to get my own virtual server platform installed at home for testing purposes. The easy way would be to just run the free VMware Player on the laptop but I want to play with the free VMware vSphere Hypervisor as well. Apparently vSphere Hypervisor is the engine that has been known as ESXi. […]
IOS 15.1SY Product Bulletin and New BFD Features
As a continuation to my previous post about IOS 15.1SY and 12.2SX, here is the product bulletin for IOS 15.1SY (for Sup720 and Sup2T): http://www.cisco.com/en/US/prod/collateral/iosswrel/ps8802/ps11821/ps11846/product_bulletin_c25-717747_ps11845_Products_Bulletin.html It presents the highlights in a different way to the Release Notes. The most interesting new features for me personally are the following: BFD (Bidirectional Forwarding Detection): Static Route Support […]
Juniper SRX100 Junos Upgrade Process
Upgrading Junos on Juniper SRX100: JTAC Recommended Junos Software Versions: http://kb.juniper.net/InfoCenter/index?page=content&id=KB21476&smlogin=true Junos downloads for SRX100: https://www.juniper.net/support/downloads/?p=srx100 Copy the new Junos image in a USB memory stick. Plug the USB stick to SRX100. On SRX100, start the unix shell, check the USB stick device name and mount the stick: admin@srx100> start shell % dmesg … umass1: […]
Catalyst 6500 IOS 15.1SY and 12.2SX
Feel free to bash on Catalyst 6500 based on this post as well, I know there are plenty of you who like to complain about this old work horse 😀 On the other hand, there are also plenty of us who run existing installations and designs and still see Cat6500 routing in the network very […]
Juniper SRX100 Traceoptions Performance
I have a 50Mbit Internet connection here at home and I’m having a Juniper SRX100 routing it. I just noted that I did not remember to remove the traceoptions configuration and it was affecting the performance on the SRX100. Here is the quick summary and comparison: With the following traceoptions: [edit] admin@srx100# show security flow […]
NX-OS Releases and Platforms
The Cisco NX-OS releases for different platforms are identified interestingly. Let’s start with the mother of all NX-OS releases: x.y(z) = for Nexus 7000 Here x is the major release or software train, y is the minor release and z is the maintenance release. An example of the version number is 5.2(5). See Cisco NX-OS […]
Configuring vPC to Suspend Orphan Ports
As you should know (simplified rule): Whenever the vPC peer link goes down the vPC secondary switch brings down all its connected vPC ports, assuming those vPCs are up in the vPC primary switch. This means that if you have non-vPC-connected hosts on your vPC secondary switch then those ports are left up and traffic […]