IOS 15.1SY Product Bulletin and New BFD Features

As a continuation to my previous post about IOS 15.1SY and 12.2SX, here is the product bulletin for IOS 15.1SY (for Sup720 and Sup2T): It presents the highlights in a different way to the Release Notes. The most interesting new features for me personally are the following: BFD (Bidirectional Forwarding Detection): Static Route Support […]

Juniper SRX100 Junos Upgrade Process

Upgrading Junos on Juniper SRX100: JTAC Recommended Junos Software Versions: Junos downloads for SRX100: Copy the new Junos image in a USB memory stick. Plug the USB stick to SRX100. On SRX100, start the unix shell, check the USB stick device name and mount the stick: admin@srx100> start shell % dmesg … umass1: […]