Category: Networking

Capturing Packets on Windows with Packet Monitor (Pktmon)

As puts it: Packet Monitor (Pktmon) is an in-box, cross-component network diagnostics tool for Windows. It can be used for packet capture, packet drop detection, packet filtering and counting. Nice thing about it is that it is present by default on all modern Windows versions, so you can do a quick packet capture when […]

Zabbix Active Agent Autoregistration

Let’s see how the Zabbix active agent autoregistration works in the communication. I have configured the Zabbix agent (version 6.2.3) on the Linux host at with this configuration: ServerActive= Hostname=Test-agent After restarting the agent, the Zabbix server (version 6.2.3) at logged immediately in /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log: cannot send list of active checks to “”: host […]

Customizing Wireshark Settings

I’ve done countless troubleshooting sessions so that I’m having Wireshark open with a relevant capture file and either I’m showing my findings to the other participants or doing straight up live packet analysis. Sometimes the sessions are followed up with questions about how did I actually have Wireshark configured because it looked different on their […]

Cisco Nexus 9000 Routing Limitations

This is a memo and reminder about the routing limitations that I stumbled into when working with Nexus 9000 series switches running NX-OS. Feature Limitation Link to documentation PBR You cannot configure PBR on port-channel subinterfaces Interfaces configuration guide for 9.3(x) QoS You cannot configure QoS on port-channel subinterfaces QoS configuration guide for 9.3(x) QoS […]