Cisco Nexus 9000 Routing Limitations

This is a memo and reminder about the routing limitations that I stumbled into when working with Nexus 9000 series switches running NX-OS. Feature Limitation Link to documentation PBR You cannot configure PBR on port-channel subinterfaces Interfaces configuration guide for 9.3(x) QoS You cannot configure QoS on port-channel subinterfaces QoS configuration guide for 9.3(x) QoS […]

Revisited: Version Numbering in Python Package

In Version Numbering in Python Package I showed a way to store the package version number in the code. The method is in hindsight not exactly the best one (who knew!), so here is another try for simple projects. Here I have mypackage/ (the package directory) mypackage/ mypackage/ with contents: mypackage/ mypackage/ What […]

Python Loggers

This is a memo about my current standard way of logging in Python, especially when multiple modules are involved. In the main application ( When is started it gets the root logger in line 7. In main() it sets the logging configurations: logging level, formatter and handler. Here the handler is just outputting to […]