Note: There is an improved version in the next post. Following my earlier post about implementing a REST API, here is a simple listener for NetBox webhooks: With the other configurations described in the earlier post (and after configured NetBox to send the webhook POST requests to http://my.server.local/webhook/), these are the outputs: webhook-listener.log: Automatically […]
Category: Programming
My First REST API with Python and Flask-RESTPlus
With few or no explanations, on Debian 10: The actual API app, in ~/resttest/ ~/resttest/ /etc/systemd/system/resttest.service: /etc/nginx/sites-available/resttest: Final setup steps: Testing results: Also note that the Swagger UI is automatically accessible in Some future considerations: TLS encryption (= reconfiguring NGINX) Authentication for the API Disabling/customizing the Swagger UI Links: Flask Flask-RESTPlus NGINX The post […]
Version Numbering in Python Package
A revisit for this topic is available in: Revisited: Version Numbering in Python Package After written the short Python package post I realized that the version number (actually string but anyway) of the package is now in two different places: in the package code ( and in the package install metadata ( Obviously that’s not […]
Creating a Python Package, the Cruel Way
This is how you can create a package of Python code so that you can use the module in various projects. Let’s assume this is the code your module has: STUFF_VERSION = “1.1-dev” def get_stuff(): return “This is stuff. Use it wisely.” Of course the module can be much more complicated with various functions and […]
Configuration File Parsing in Python
Example of configuration file parsing in Python: With the configuration file configtest.cfg: Example output: More information: Also available in GitHub:
Logging in Python
Example of configuring logging in Python: Output: More information:
Argument Parsing in Python
Example of command line argument parsing in Python: Output: More information: Also available in GitHub: