I have been using VDR – the Video Disk Recorder – on my own Linux host for over 20 years. It has been the primary way of consuming broadcast TV content in our household since 2004. Until now my VDR setup has only been capable of using DVB-C channels in SD, due to the non-HD-capable […]
RuuviTag Monitoring in Zabbix
RuuviTag is a small battery-powered sensor that measures temperature, humidity, air pressure and movement. It communicates the measured data by broadcasting the data values using Bluetooth. I’m using a few of those sensors to monitor some rooms at home. There is an official Ruuvi Gateway Router available that can be used to interface the RuuviTags […]
SQLite Commands
You know cloud computing is powered by shell scripts and SQLite databases, right? That’s how the saying goes. But what is an SQLite database anyway? It is a file, and it can be inspected with the SQLite application or a compatible library. There is no server daemon to connect to. Usually, when accessing a database, […]
24-hour Timestamps for Zabbix 7
The default language in the Zabbix user interface (UI) installation is “en_US”, meaning English (US). Probably because of the European roots of Zabbix, the timestamps have still been shown in 24-hour (world-standard) format, up until Zabbix version 6.4. Now in Zabbix 7.0 the default time display format has been changed to correspond to the selected […]
MAC Address Move in VM Live Migration
The switches in Ethernet networks learn all connected hosts’ link-layer addresses (layer 2 or MAC (Media Access Control) addresses) dynamically when the hosts communicate in the network and the switches see the traffic. Based on that information the switches are then able to forward frames optimally without flooding. When you disconnect a physical host from […]
HE Dynamic DNS ACME Support for Proxmox VE
Since the Broadcom’s announcement about changing the licensing for VMware vSphere products and discarding the free Hypervisor license, there has been a massive uptake for other virtualization platforms. Also in my own systems, where I reinstalled the ESXi hosts as Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE) nodes, and imported the existing virtual machines in the new platform. […]
Zabbix Agent Log File Monitoring Performance
Log file monitoring in Zabbix means that the Zabbix agent in active mode will periodically check if the given log file has received new content that match the configured regular expression. Matched content is sent to the Zabbix server (or proxy, if the agent is monitored by a proxy) for further processing and storage. Zabbix […]
Zabbix 7.0 Proxy Load Balancing
One of the new features in Zabbix 7.0 LTS is proxy load balancing. As the documentation says: Proxy load balancing allows monitoring hosts by a proxy group with automated distribution of hosts between proxies and high proxy availability. If one proxy from the proxy group goes offline, its hosts will be immediately distributed among other […]
More Mocking with Pytest
In my Basic Mocking with Pytest post I showed simple cases. Now let’s do more mocking. First I’ll create the environment for my code: $ mkdir more-mocking$ cd more-mocking$ python3 -m venv venv$ . venv/bin/activate(venv)$ pip install -U pip wheel…Successfully installed pip-24.0 wheel-0.43.0(venv)$ pip install pynetbox pytest…Successfully installed certifi-2024.2.2 charset-normalizer-3.3.2 idna-3.7 iniconfig-2.0.0 packaging-23.2 pluggy-1.5.0 pynetbox-7.3.3 […]