The current Long Term Support (LTS) version series of Zabbix is 6.0, released in February 2022. The previous LTS version was 5.0, released in May 2020. Many of us are upgrading the Zabbix installation from 5.0 to 6.0 series these days, here is one catch to be aware of. In 5.0, when viewing graphs of […]
Category: Monitoring
Tag Guidelines in Zabbix
This is a tag-specific summary from the official Zabbix guidelines documentation, based on the situation as of Zabbix 6.0 LTS. Note: “Please note that this model might become enforced in the future Zabbix releases. Templates that do not follow specified rules will need to be updated.“ Tag name and value format lowercase only allowed characters: […]
Moving Zabbix Database
In the series “why wouldn’t I put this out public instead of just saving it to my own notes”: Moving the Zabbix database to a new database server. Step 1: Dumping the current database # mysqldump –single-transaction zabbix | gzip > /mnt/zbx-dump.sql.gz No need to stop Zabbix for this. Add –user and –host and similar […]
Configuring SNMP Trap Receiver for Zabbix on Debian
In order to handle SNMP traps in Zabbix you need to configure your server to receive the traps. Here are the steps, tested with Zabbix 5.4 on Debian Linux 10 (Buster), assuming Zabbix server has already been installed from the official repository: (Note: Long commands and paths below can appear split incorrectly, so be careful […]