I made some improvements to the NetBox webhook listener presented in my earlier post. Here is the new one:
import hmac import json import logging from flask import Flask, request from flask_restplus import Api, Resource, fields app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app, version="1.1", title="NetBox Webhook Listener", description="Tested with NetBox 2.6.6") ns = api.namespace("webhook") APP_NAME = "webhook-listener" WEBHOOK_SECRET = "My precious" logger = logging.getLogger(APP_NAME) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s") file_logging = logging.FileHandler("{}.log".format(APP_NAME)) file_logging.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(file_logging) webhook_request = api.model("Webhook request from NetBox", { 'username': fields.String, 'data': fields.Raw(description="The object data from NetBox"), 'event': fields.String, 'timestamp': fields.String, 'model': fields.String, 'request_id': fields.String, }) def do_something_with_the_event(data): logger.info(data) pass @ns.route("/") class WebhookListener(Resource): @ns.expect(webhook_request) @ns.doc(responses={200: "Ok", 400: "Bad request"}) def post(self): if request.content_length > 1_000_000: # To prevent memory allocation attacks logger.error("Content too long ({})".format( request.content_length )) return {"result": "Content too long"}, 400 input_data = request.get_data() x_hook_signature = request.headers.get("X-Hook-Signature") if x_hook_signature: input_hmac = hmac.new( key=WEBHOOK_SECRET.encode(), msg=input_data, digestmod="sha512" ) if not hmac.compare_digest( input_hmac.hexdigest(), x_hook_signature): logger.error("Invalid message signature") return {"result": "Invalid message signature"}, 400 logger.info("Message signature checked ok") else: logger.info("No message signature to check") try: input_dict = json.loads(input_data) except json.JSONDecodeError: input_dict = None if not input_dict or "model" not in input_dict: logger.error("Invalid input: {}".format(input_data)) return {"result":"Invalid input"}, 400 do_something_with_the_event(input_dict) return {"result":"ok"}, 200 if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="")
Example from the log file:
2019-10-13 15:06:22,932 webhook-listener INFO: Message signature checked ok 2019-10-13 15:06:22,932 webhook-listener INFO: {'request_id': 'f731df57-08a4-4eff-b07e-3633770e449c', 'event': 'updated', 'data': {'slug': 'my-testing-tenant', 'group': None, 'tags': ['Finland', 'Torilla tavataan', 'Suomi mainittu'], 'name': 'My Testing Tenant', 'id': 7, 'description': '', 'created': '2019-10-12', 'custom_fields': {}, 'last_updated': '2019-10-13T12:06:22.839338Z', 'comments': ''}, 'username': 'admin', 'model': 'tenant', 'timestamp': '2019-10-13 12:06:22.903111'}
Notable changes:
- Added the message digest verification (
header sent by NetBox) - Added content length checking as an example of all the worries you need to take care of when publishing an interface